Car care, save money!

Breakdowns are an inconvenience that can disrupt days out, a business trips or holidays and so on.

Looking after your car

If you are someone who relies on a vehicle for business, or simply to get to or from work, a breakdown is more than just an inconvenience, it means lost business or wages for the time that the vehicle is off the road, inconvenience for customers and a host of other problems. 

Imagine a breakdown during or just before a holiday, especially if you are travelling abroad! Or a breakdown ten minutes before your pupil was due to take a driving test…

The best way to avoid problems with breakdowns is to plan not to break down.

Good drivers do this by carrying out daily and weekly vehicle checks and by having their cars serviced at the regular intervals recommended by the manufacturer.

To help you get into the habit of carrying out the checks listed in this section, this programme provides you with some simple vehicle check projects, the first of which is included below.

The projects include daily and weekly car checks and ‘discovery sessions’ where you will learn a bit more about your vehicle – learning some ‘basics’ will also help when it comes to ‘car sympathy’.

From a fuel saving point of view, poor maintenance = poor economy.

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Les Ellerby

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