Experience Driving Lessons Newcastle Upon Tyne

Are you nervous about learning to drive in Newcastle?
Have you already had lessons, and want to restart?
Have you had a failed test?

You have come to the right place

Experience Driving School in Newcastle supplies quality, low cost, driving tuition in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Gateshead, North and South Tyneside areas. We offer a first class service where ‘your experience is everything‘.

We provide Driving Instructors in Newcastle and Tyneside

If you require a driving instructor in the Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Gateshead, North and South Tyneside areas then please check out the areas we cover.

If you would like to discuss undertaking driving lessons with Experience Driving School then do not hesitate to contact us via this website or call our freephone on 0800 195 2747.

Driving tests around the world

Think that your Driving Lessons & Test In Newcastle was tough?

The UK driving test has recently come under scrutiny for not being tough enough. With more than a fifth of deaths on British roads involving drivers aged 17-24, the government has issued a white paper proposing changes such as a driving curfew for new drivers under the age of 30 between 10pm and 5am and a probationary driving period of 12 months.

With 47.7 percent of UK learners passing first time and an overall pass rate of 47.1 percent in the UK, this blog, takes a closer look at how the UK driving test stands up against the rest of the world.

Colombia’s driving test

Colombia has a particularly convoluted and lengthy process for learning to drive. You can start a year earlier than the UK at age 16, but you must enrol in the Gradual Rearing of Adult Drivers, or GRAD, programme before being granted a full driving licence.

In Colombia, anyone interested in learning to drive must first complete an exam, which determines the learner’s knowledge of traffic laws, road signs and driving safety rules. On completion of the test, you are issued with a learner’s permit. Once you have this, you can begin your driving lessons. After 40 hours of training, you may take a road skills test to upgrade your licence to a provisional.

Once you are 17, or have held the provisional licence for six months, whichever comes first, you can apply for a full licence with conditions. You cannot apply for a full driving licence until you are 21 years of age – this requires a further road skills test that looks at the driver’s ability to operate a vehicle, use turn signals, parallel park and a range of other skills. Have I lost you yet? If we thought the UK driving test was difficult, we really need to look at what it is like abroad before we complain!

France’s driving test

France also has a rather lengthy system for learners. Unlike the UK, provisional licence holders in France are required to complete a minimum of two years’ worth of training, starting at age 16 with parental supervision and covering no less than 3000km. They are also subjected to reduced speed limits while they are learning. For example, on Autoroutes, learners must drive no faster than 110kph even though the speed limit is 130kph.

The driving test Down Under 

Australia matches France with a lengthy licence application process. There are typically three stages which new drivers must pass. Drivers begin by acquiring a learner’s permit at age 16, and then progress to a restricted, probationary licence which lasts for roughly two years, before progressing to a full licence. New drivers must also keep a log of how many hours they have spent with their instructor to ensure that they hit a regulated number of hours, with a segment dedicated exclusively to nighttime driving. The pass rates range from 43 percent to 58 percent depending on whether it’s the restricted or full licence being tested.

Road safety

In some countries, it is much easier to pass your driving test than in the UK, although you have to seriously question how road ready and safety conscious the drivers are. Unsurprisingly, this is reflected in the countries’ high accident rates.

For example, although you have to wait until you are 18 or older to take your driving test in Pakistan, the test itself is relatively simple. It consists of a theory test and a short practical test, both of which can be taken on the same day. There are no stipulations about the number of practice hours you must have done and the practical test consists of driving through a short course of cones. As you would expect, the pass rate in Pakistan is very high, with around 80 percent of all drivers passing their test first time. The accident rate is also very high, with 16 road accident deaths in every 100,000 inhabitants.

Getting your driving licence in America can be a bit arbitrary as driving laws vary from state to state. Some states, like Kansas and Idaho, issue ‘driver’s permits’ to teenage drivers as young as 14, while in other states you have to wait until you are 17. As long as these learners complete a six-month graduated driver’s licence programme, they are able to drive on the roads if they are accompanied by a person who is 21 or over. However, the graduated licensing law does restrict certain driving privileges, such as whether the new driver may carry passengers – and if so, how many – as well as setting a curfew for young drivers to be off the roads. Pass rates across America vary so widely within cities and across states that it’s hard to figure out the country’s pass rate.

Even more worryingly, in Mexico you do not even need to take a driving test if you are over the age of 18. In fact, all you need to do is simply buy a licence for 626 pesos (equivalent to £28). Mexico City is one of the most densely populated cities in the world, with four million cars on the road. With no standardised driving test, drivers learn empirically and car crashes are a daily occurrence.

Strict is not always best

Nevertheless, a strict system also has its flaws. The starting age to obtain your licence in South Africa is 18, and you need to pass both a yard test and a road test, where you can lose points for not checking beneath the car for leaks and not using the hand brake every time you stop silently. You will also automatically fail if the vehicle rolls back even just an inch. The pass rate is a low 39 percent and, although the test is purposely hard to improve road safety, it has had unintended consequences, with many learners bribing officials to ensure that they pass.

Even stricter than South Africa, however, are Japan’s road tests, which boast pass rates that fall below 35 percent. Although taken on a course, the test resembles real road conditions. Drivers must remain at 30kmph or under at all times, and driving over a curb, failing to stop at a light or junction, and failing to check for oncoming traffic results in instant failure. With people failing for ‘not staying left enough in the left lane’ or ‘not bending down low enough when checking for cats or children before getting into the car’, Japan requires perfection from drivers before they are licensed.

Should there be a standardised global driving test?

There are huge disparities in the driving test from country to country, and it is shocking how the driving test standard varies on a global scale. For some learners, mastering the reverse park or driving through a congested city centre is challenging enough, so spare a thought for learners across the world where, in some cases, the driving test is far lengthier and more complex than the UK’s.

Driving Lessons In Newcastle Upon Tyne & Gateshead with Experience Driving

Learning to drive – who should take driving lessons and why learning to drive is important


Learning to drive is something absolutely crucial nowadays. Once you have learnt, you will have acquired a life-long skill that will be useful in many situations.

Particularly, when taking driving lessons with prepared and expert instructors, you will also learn how to drive a car in the most secure way, both for others and yourself.

What you will learn

Driving lessons should be attended by everyone that wants to learn to drive and get their driving licence. The best choice is to find a good driving school, which can properly prepare you to drive in different situations and environments.

You will not only learn how to drive a car, but how to recognise and read signs, be aware of your surroundings, plan ahead and how to behave on the road with other road users around you, last but not least, how to manage any of the dangers and perils that you can face when driving a car.

You will learn to drive through residential, rural and city areas, paying attention to the various ‘obstacles’ and hazards that you may find on your way: people walking, bikes, motorbikes, other cars and buses, just to name a few.


Driving and your job

It is important to have driving lessons not just because you will learn how to behave properly when on the road, but also because driving is a real skill.

In many cases, when getting a job, your employer will require you to have a driver’s licence. People that work directly with customers and clients often need to go directly to them, sometimes in places that public transportation does not reach with ease, or does not reach at all. Having a driving licence will help you when facing such a situation, and in some cases add an important skill to your resume.

Driving in the UK for a foreigner

Even for a foreigner, taking driving lessons in the UK could be very useful. The UK is one of the few countries where cars drive on the left. Left-hand drive can surely be tricky for those used to driving on the right side of the road. It is advisable that everyone coming from a right-hand driving country take some driving lessons for the left-hand side, to get used to it.

With the left-hand drive your point of reference and the actual way you drive changes dramatically, thus having an instructor explaining and helping you in the change will be quite helpful.


In any situation, driving is something serious: it can be fun, but it can be also quite challenging. There are many speed limits and rules which drivers have to follow to prevent dangerous situations, and only with the help of an instructor can you follow a path, acquiring the skills through time and becoming a good and safe driver.

Driving lessons in Newcastle upon Tyne – Learn to drive in Newcastle and Gateshead with Experience Driving School

Intensive Driving Courses with Experience Driving School

Intensive Driving Courses with Experience Driving School are types of courses sometimes called One Week Intensive Driving Courses Newcastle upon Tyne, One Week Intensive Driving Lessons Newcastle upon Tyne, One Week Crash Course Driving Lessons Newcastle upon Tyne, One Week Driving Courses Newcastle upon Tyne or Fast Pass Courses Newcastle upon Tyne

With a dedicated, fully qualified, approved driving instructor, experienced in providing intensive one week and two week driving courses, Experience Driving Schools One Week Driving Course has a professional ADI, qualified to take students through their practical test, in as short a time as possible, whilst still maintaining a high quality service.

Learning to drive is a lifelong skill that should be both enjoyed and taken pride in and what we at Experience Driving School aspire too!

Experience Driving School’s One Week Driving Course provides driving courses ranging from a one day re-test course for someone who has recently failed a test ranging up to and including two week driving courses, designed for someone who needs that little extra time to take the information in

Here is a small list of some of our driving courses:- 6 hour & 12 hour re-test courses in Newcastle upon Tyne, 18 hour crash courses in Newcastle upon Tyne, 24 hour intensive driving courses in Newcastle upon Tyne, 30 hour driving courses in Newcastle upon Tyne, 36 hour one week pass courses in Newcastle upon Tyne, 42 hour intensive lesson courses in Newcastle upon Tyne, 48 hour pass your test courses in Newcastle upon Tyne and our popular guaranteed pass driving course in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Experience Driving School’s One Week Driving Course has a wide range of customers ranging from people who need to learn urgently for their job, students who want to get the driving test done during holidays, to people living abroad temporarily who wish to return to take their test in the UK to obtain one of the most recognised driving licenses throughout the world.

Experience Driving School’s One Week Driving Course instructors have experience in training new drivers from scratch, to the person who has perhaps failed a test a few years ago and didn’t carry on.

Many of Experience Driving School’s instructors have been involved in instructor training and have experience of advanced driver training.

Courses offered in both Manual and Automatic transmission tuition vehicles at Experience Driving School, check us out at https://www.drivinglessonsnewcastleupontyne.co.uk





Driving Schools Newcastle upon Tyne

Driving Lessons Newcastle upon Tyne

Intense Driving Lessons Newcastle upon Tyne

Driving Instructors Newcastle upon Tyne

Intensive Driving Courses Newcastle upon Tyne

One Week Driving Courses Newcastle upon Tyne

Fast Pass Driving Courses Newcastle upon Tyne

Intense Driving Courses Newcastle upon Tyne

Driving Course Newcastle upon Tyne

Driving Crash Course Newcastle upon Tyne

Intensive Driving Lessons Newcastle upon Tyne

Pass Plus Newcastle upon Tyne

A 6-step guide in the event of a road or traffic accident.

A 6-step guide in the event of a road or traffic accident.

You never know what’s just around the corner, so stay prepared and in the know with our road safety guide

Crashes are thankfully rare, but they’re shockingly quick and scary – leaving you unable to think straight.

Unless you’re already prepared, that is. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Stop

The first thing to do is stop. It’s an offence to leave the scene of a collision. Even if nobody was injured you must swap names and addresses.

It doesn’t matter if you’re at fault or not, and even if there’s no other person there – you’ve hit a parked car, for instance – you must still stop and leave your details.

It’s an offence to refuse to give your details, but if you exchange them on a damage-only accident, there’s no need to notify the police.

2. Make sure everyone is safe

While you should stay near your car long enough to clear things up, this mustn’t be at the expense of safety.

If vehicles are in a dangerous position or blocking the road, make sure everyone’s out of the way and that someone warns approaching traffic.

But use your common sense, of course. You shouldn’t move a badly injured person, or send yourself or anyone else into a dangerous position trying to flag down oncoming cars. Only you can decide what’s safe.

 3. Call the police

Section 170 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 requires that you report the accident to the police if a driver fails to stop, or refuses to exchange details, whether there’s injury or not. You must always notify the police if there’s an injury.

If somebody’s badly hurt or the scene is potentially dangerous, call 999. To report a collision where there’s no emergency, call 101 to avoid tying up the emergency line.

You must make your report within 24 hours – or you risk fine, points on your driving license or even find yourself disqualified!

4. Give the right details

It sounds harsh, but it’s best to avoid saying sorry or accepting blame at the scene. It could be used against you later. It’s better to wait until you know all the facts, and aren’t in an emotional or shocked state.

That’s not to say you should be awkward or confrontational. You must give your name and address to anyone involved, and call an ambulance for anyone who needs it.

5. Get the right details

Ask for names, addresses and phone numbers of those involved, and make sure the driver is the registered keeper. If not, ask who is and get their details too.

Note the make, model and colour of any vehicles, plus the number plates. You should also note the time and date, and take the names and addresses of any witnesses.

6. Take photos

Chances are you or a witness will be able to take pictures with your phone, so take shots of where the cars ended up, the damage and the road conditions. Record the scene from several angles so the details are clear.

If you don’t have a camera, sketch the positions of the cars and note the weather, the road conditions and any injuries. It will help you remember what really happened later.

Changes to the UK driving test mooted!

As reported by Sky!

The three-point turn could be scrapped as part of the biggest shake-up of the driving test in 20 years.

Learner drivers could be asked to use a satellite navigation system as part of a revised practical exam, designed to “better reflect real-life driving”.
Around 1,000 learners across the UK will be asked to take part in a trial of new practical exam measures.
The test has existed in its current form for two decades, with an “independent driving” section where motorists are asked to find their way to a destination added in recent years.
A Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) spokesman said: “We are carrying out initial research to explore how the driving test could better reflect real-life driving.
“Any future changes to the test would be subject to full public consultation.”
The independent driving section of the test could be extended from 10 to 20 minutes of the 40-minute test length.
Candidates taking part in the trial are likely to be asked to follow directions on a sat-nav as an alternative to using road signs.
It will also consider replacing the “reverse around a corner” and “turn in the road” manoeuvres with moves such as reversing out of a parking bay, or pulling up on the left or right before re-joining the flow of traffic.
Driving Instructors Association chief executive Carly Brookfield said: “The association has been heavily involved in the scoping of this project and is enthusiastic about the opportunity it presents to evolve the L-test to a level where it more realistically assesses a candidate’s ability to competently and safely manage road-based risk and driving in real life, on real roads.”

Learning to Drive… Who can teach you?

Who can teach you and what vehicle can you learn in?

You are legally allowed to learn in your own, or an acquaintance’s vehicle, so long as you are accompanied by an licensed driver who is over 21 and has a minimum of three years experience.

As with normal driving you must ensure your vehicle is road worthy and that you have the correct insurance.

Although many new drivers will have a friend or family member to help them learn, it is recommended that you use an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) for the bulk of your learning and practice.

At Experience Driving School we have a dual controlled manual and automatic cars which greatly improve your safety on the road whilst learning to drive.

Experience Driving School instructors are also aware of the official syllabus and will structure your learning around what you will need to learn in order for you to pass your test.

Learning to Drive… UK driving age limits & legalities

UK driving age limits & legalities
Provisional driving licence and age limitsCurrently in the UK the legal age a person can start learning to drive on the road, and sit the test, is 17. To be eligible to learn you must hold a valid provisional license. While you must wait until you’re seventeenth birthday before going on the road you can apply for a provisional license up to three months before. The license, however, does not become valid until you are 17.

Experience Driving suggests the easiest way to apply for your first provisional licence is to do it online through the DVLA website – click here. You can also apply for a provisional licence by obtaining a D1 form from the DVLA or a local participating Post Office. D1 form applications still require supporting identity documents but can be paid for over the counter at your Post Office.

In order to qualify for a UK provisional licence you must:

  • Be a resident of Great Britain
  • Meet the minimum age requirements
  • Meet the minimum eyesight standards
  • Not be prevented from driving for any reason (medical or legal)
  • Have a valid UK passport or other suitable official form of identity
  • Be able to provide a verifiable series of addresses for the last three years





Learning to Drive… Getting Started

Getting Started

Before learning to drive in the UK, and certainly long before you consider taking the test, there are a few fundamentals to know about. Legalities on age limits, vehicle classes and insurance are all things to be aware of before starting out. We also recommend you get a realistic idea of the time it takes to first practice, then apply and then take your theory test. Something that you must legally do before applying for your practical test.

This section provides an overview of all such considerations.

For free advice about learning to drive and passing your driving test, call us at Experience Driving during normal office hours on: 0191 442 0309



Learning to Drive

Learning to drive  

Every qualified driver usually has a story to tell about their driving lessons or their driving test experience. 

While it is often interesting to hear these, students who are learning to drive should focus on the up to date advice available from their professional instructors or those at drivinglessonsnewcastleupontyne.co.uk

Approved Driving Instructors (ADIs) hope that every candidate they teach and put in for a driving test passes first time.  The majority of ADIs would also agree that there is much more to learning to drive than passing the test. At Experience Driving we strongly recommend that new drivers take some form of post-test training, such as a Pass Plus Course. The UK has many post driving test courses that even experienced drivers can benefit from.